Spiritual Direction and Companionship
As a Spiritual Director and Companion, I value the rich gifts and wisdom teachings of all faith traditions, recognizing that the holy is everywhere: in hospitals, jails, nature, the market, the streets. I provide compassionate, respectful Soul care and companionship to seekers of any and no tradition in the process of clarifying relationship to the ineffable Mystery, the Divine, to the Source of All. This may be sought during any time of transition, including birth, coming of age, commitment, aging, relational shifting, grieving, death and loss, or when significant questions arise and request vulnerable inquiry. I am deeply nourished by the interdependent awareness Hazrat Inayat Khan so beautifully describes, “When one bell is rung, by the sound of that one bell other bells will also vibrate. So it is with the dancing of the soul; it produces its reaction and that again will make other souls dance.”